Laser-assisted cataract surgery (Femto-cataract) abroad is performed by qualified and experienced eye surgeons using the latest LenSx femtosecond laser at the top eye clinic located in the city center of Prague, Brno or Bratislava.

If you suffer from cataract symptoms, our eye surgeons recommend laser cataract surgery to stop the progression of vision loss and restore your vision.

The surgery is performed without the use of any sharp instruments, controlled by most modern systems resulting in higher accuracy, quicker recovery, and more comfort.

The surgery is performed in local anaesthesia and takes about 10 minutes per eye. Only 1 night stay in is required.

BLOG: BRNO and BRATISLAVA: European Meccas of Eye Surgeries... Not sure which treatment is the best for you?

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Why choose Praga Medica?

100% pain-free laser eye surgery
Half price compared to other EU countries
No waiting list
Fully-equipped, Hi-tech vision clinics conveniently located in Prague, Brno, or Bratislava


Book your eye surgery by the end of September and enjoy our special offer:

  • FREE Extended assistance during the whole stay

  • FREE Airport transfers / Up to 2 nights FREE from your stay with select treatments in our partner 4* hotels

  • Get 50% OFF on the Pre-operative examination

  • Save up to 518 EUR

Enjoy peace of mind with additional perks at no extra cost. A pre-operative examination discount is only available as a part of the treatment.

Procedure details

What are the symptoms of a cataract?

Cataract means reduced transparency (opacity) and hardening of the eye lens that is normally clear. Most often we experience cataract after 60 years of age. Among the risk factors for cataract occurrence are mainly age, general diseases, diabetes, using some medicines on a long-term basis, smoking and eye injury.

How is Femto-cataract surgery done?

Femto-cataract surgery or laser-assisted cataract with monofocal lenses is performed in local anaesthesia. The cloudy lens is painlessly crushed using the LenSx laser and removed through a very small and precise microincision. Our experienced cataract surgeon implants a new high quality Acrysof monofocal yellow lens.

What are the benefits of LenSx surgery?

Many of the steps of the surgery are done before the incision is made in comparison to the standard method. The natural lens is crushed using a femtosecond laser instead of ultrasound. Less energy and less intrusion into the eye result in quicker recovery. The incision is made by the femtosecond laser hence increasing precision of the cut.

How long does Femto-cataract surgery take?

The surgery takes place in an ambulatory (outpatient) setting. The duration is about 10 minutes. The patient can leave the eye clinic immediately after the surgery.  Next day is post-operative check-up.

Both eyes Femto-cataract surgery takes only 5 days in Prague. A thorough preoperative examination precedes the Femto-cataract surgery and there is at least one post-operative check-up after each eye surgery.

Which cataract lens is right for me?

The standard Femto-cataract surgery with IOL monofocal lens comes with a high-quality Acrysof lens implant produced by Alcon, an American company. We stock lens implants of other manufacturers as well, most popular are Alcon and Zeiss. Multifocal and toric versions of cataract lenses are also available.

What methods do you offer?

The price quoted is for the Femto-cataract surgery using LenSx. We also offer a standard method where a small incision is made by our experienced cataract surgeon.

Why travelling abroad and avoid waiting times?

The cataract surgery with a monofocal lens is usually provided within national schemes NHS, HSE cheap, ie. free of charge but long waiting times are to be expected. If you want your vision to improve without waiting, be operated by one of the tops and best cataract surgeons, contact us for a free consultation.

Many foreign patients opt to travel to Prague and abroad because the surgery is performed within weeks, laser-assisted cataract surgery provides the latest standard in the cataract surgery, the monofocal lenses are of the highest quality for a fraction of the cost, each patient is treated as a VIP patient.

EU refunds

If you are coming from an EEA country, we will be glad to help with all documentation for your local health care authority or national health system (NHS, HSE etc.). The Czech Republic is an EEA member and operates European Directive on patients right in cross-border healthcare.

Independent Review Sites


Treatment abroad with Praga Medica

We make it easier for English and German-speaking people to achieve a better quality of life through top-notch and affordable medical procedures in the heart of the EU.

Thanks to a personal approach, we guide the client safely through the entire process, choosing from a wide range of services to a smooth course of treatment.

We have become the eye surgery market leader with a long history of eye surgeries, high standards, and lower prices. We use the best technologies and methods, and the range of procedures performed each year gradually increases.