Age causes the reduction of the skin's elasticity and the skin slackens. This process also affects the labia, causing their slackening and extension.

Increased labia may also be the result of genetic influences or the giving birth. Increased labia do not only interfere with the appearance, cosmetically, but they can also cause problems in sports or intercourse and they can also cause frequent inflammations of the female genitals.

The Labiaplasty cosmetic surgery is carried out under general anaesthesia in Prague, and consists in removing the excessive skin from the labia. The scar is almost invisible, and the labia are returned to the natural shape.

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Procedure details

Post-cosmetic-surgery care after Labiaplasty abroad in Prague:

  • One day of hospitalisation recommended. Further 2 nights in the hotel.

  • After the Labiaplasty cosmetic surgery the genitals are covered by sterile gauze. The patient can take a shower as early as the day following the cosmetic surgery, covering the labia by sterile gauze again after the shower.

  • Occasional bleeding may persist for 2-3 days.

  • The stitches are absorbent, so they do not need to be removed. In the event that the stitches do not come off after 3 weeks, we recommend their removal.

  • Office work is possible 3-4 days after the cosmetic surgery abroad, full physical strain and intercourse is possible 3 weeks after the cosmetic surgery.

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