Personal details
2017 Klinika Dr. Pírka s. r. o., plastic surgeon
2011 Chirurgická ambulance Trutnov, s. r. o., chief physician
2010 Ústav chirurgie ruky a plastické chirurgie ve Vysoké nad Jizerou, house officer for plastic surgery
2009 - 2010 Hospital Wythenshawe, Manchester UK, Department of Burns and Plastic Surgery, senior house officer
2007 - 2008 Fakultní nemocnice Olomouc, senior house officer of plastic and aesthetic surgery department
2001 - 2006 Oblastní nemocnice Trutnov, a. s., senior house officer of general surgery
Certifications and professional memberships
Emergency Management of Severe Burns Course, British Burn Association, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2009
AO Hand and Wrist Fixation Course for Surgeons, Coventry, United Kingdom 2009
Preston – Leica Microsurgery Workshop and Assessment Programme, University of Central Lancashire and Lancashire Teaching Hospitals, Preston, United Kingdom, 2010
Microsurgery Course, Edukační centrum praktické anatomie, Brno, 2010 19th European Course in Plastic Surgery, EBOPRAS, Bern, Switzerland, 2010
Instructional course in hand surgery, British Society for Surgery of the Hand, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2011-2013
AO Trauma Hand Cadaver course, Graz, Austria, 2011
Eastern European Course on Hand Surgery, Hajdusoboslo, Hungary, 2012
Scar Academy, Advanced Scar Management Course, London, UK, 2013
ISAPS Course – Face and Breast Aesthetic Approaches, Kazimierz Dolny, Poland, 2013
10/2015 – Internship in facial plastic surgery focused on aesthetic and reconstructive plastic surgery, Dutch Association for Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Holland (trainers Dr. Jacques van der Meulen, MD, PhD, Heike Klepetko, MD, PhD, Jeroen Stevens, MD, PhD), 3 months